Associations and Affiliations
State Ranked #1
Best in KLAS Debt Collection Services Category
State has been ranked #1 in the Best in KLAS Debt Collection Services category, achieving a score of 90.7. This recognition is part of the KLAS Research’s annual assessment of software and service providers within the healthcare industry.
“Of the handful of collections agencies I use, State Collection Service … has the most sophisticated technology and analytics at their disposal to help leverage dollars they bring in the door. Since using this firm, we have seen increased dollars collection on the bad debt side of the house.”
-Director, October 2022
“State Collection Service is in touch with the industry and their employees. They have multiple things covered, including the engagement with us and how much their employees love working for State. We can tell that by our interactions with their teams. Their positivity is amazing.”
-Director, July 2023
“State Collection Service is a good, trusted advisor for industry trends, including what is going on in the marketplace with bad debt and the current regulatory or legislative environment surrounding Bad Debt.”
-Director, June 2023
“agree” or “strongly agree” that they would recommend the service to colleagues.
“agree” or “strongly agree” that the service satisfies a need in the industry.
State is committed to continuous improvement. Our active involvement in industry organizations such as HFMA and American Collector’s Association International helps us continue to improve and learn from our peers. Additionally, our managers and executives are consistently asked to share their expertise and forward thinking, serving as board members as well as earning certifications in many prominent industry organizations including: