State Launches Patient Text Messaging

Text has become a primary method of communication for many patients, especially younger generations. Approximately 90% of texts are read within 5 minutes with the reader clicking on a link at a rate of more than 5x that of email.

In an effort to enhance patient communication and make it convenient to manage their healthcare accounts, State recently launched text messaging. Our initial efforts are limited as we ensure the technology works smoothly. We expect to significantly increase volume and add functionality over time.

Below is a sample of what is texted to the patient:



When the patient clicks on the link, they will need to enter their billing zip code in order to see the message.

Once the patient authenticates, they will see an image identical to the letter we previously would have sent by mail.


As was announced in the text training class, if a patient requests not to receive additional texts, representatives should update the “TEXT OPT OUT” field with the current date.

Special recognition to Jim Goeks, Chuck Beier, Art Kenney, Loni Hefner, Mike McCormick, Mike Frost, Dave Hintz and Mark Neill. The team went above and beyond to implement this tool to improve the patient experience and enable State to even better serve our clients.